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Coup de coeur Thomas W.Schaller

Des oeuvres du peintre aquarelliste Thomas W. Schaller

Pour en voir plus : ici

J'aime son interprétation de l'architecture des villes, le traitement des contrastes lumière/ombre qui nous guide, nous spectateurs, vers la direction, le mouvement, qu'il a choisi de nous montrer.

""In many ways, why we paint is more important than what or how we paint. What we create is more than just something we do, it expresses who we are. My work is a study in contrasts: light and dark, vertical and horizontal, warm and cool, the real and the imagined, and elements of the past, present, and future. I design with conflicting elements - allowing them to find balance and resolution on the surface of the paper in unexpected and expressive ways."" Thomas W. Schaller

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